Your contribution goes toward buying new bikes to be part of a school-based bike fleet, repairing and maintaining those bikes, and creating new secure bike storage at school sites.
In the last year, with help from individual donations, grant funding from Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and gifts from corporate supporters, Pedal Power purchased over 75 new bikes and tandems, safety equipment including helmets and reflective vests, created secure bike storage areas, made needed repairs to bikes, and expanded existing programming from one school to four Minneapolis Schools. Each week, along with our volunteers, we ride with 17 classes of fourth and fifth graders as a regular component of their school day. That’s close to 450 kids biking with their teachers and friends exploring their neighborhoods and nearby parks. At least 100 of those students did not know how to ride a bike—now almost everyone can pedal together along our City streets and bike paths!
We’re excited to be able to work toward our goal of growing school-based bike education to even more elementary schools across Minneapolis, especially at a time when our kids have missed out on so many enriching opportunities as we emerge from the limitations of COVID. Please consider donating this year or continuing your support for getting kids on bikes.
Send check to:
Pedal Power MN
2331 Roosevelt St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418